Falfurrias Capital Partners Invests in Training The Street

Increased access to capital will support expanded technology capabilities, client service talent and presence in international markets NEWS PROVIDED BY Falfurrias Capital Partners Jun 21, 2021, 10:00 ET CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Falfurrias Capital Partners (FCP), a Charlotte-based private equity firm focused on growth-oriented, middle-market businesses, today announced it has invested...

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Poets & Quants: Scott Rostan in Survey: MBAs Bullish About Post-Pandemic Job Prospects

Survey: MBAs Bullish About Post-Pandemic Job Prospects BY: MARC ETHIER ON JUNE 01, 2021 Confident in their prospects in a rapidly expanding economy, MBA students are optimistic about their employment prospects, according to the 13th annual MBA employment survey conducted by a company that provides training courses for Wall Street banks and...

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Bloomberg: Scott Rostan in K.C. Southern Morphs From Railroad Also-Ran to $30 Billion Prize

K.C. Southern Morphs From Railroad Also-Ran to $30 Billion Prize By  Thomas Black April 21, 2021 In less than a year, Kansas City Southern has transformed from an industry wallflower to the belle of the ball, getting courted by Canada’s two biggest railroads. The U.S. carrier has been a source of takeover speculation for decades....

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The Globe and Mail: Scott Rostan in CN Rail tops CP with offer of $30-billion for Kansas City Southern

CN Rail tops CP with offer of $30-billion for Kansas City Southern ERIC ATKINS PUBLISHED APRIL 20, 2021 Canadian National Railway Co. has topped rival Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.’s offer for Kansas City Southern , igniting a battle for the Missouri-based railway that would give the victor access to key U.S. and Mexican markets. Montreal-based CN offered...

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CFO Training Programs

CFO.com: Robert Rostan in 10 Vital Roles for CFOs

https://www.cfo.com/human-capital-careers/2021/02/10-vital-roles-for-cfos/ February 24, 2021 10 Vital Roles for CFOs To ascend to (and remain in) the office of CFO and be great at the job, you will have to master these responsibilities.   Sandra Beckwith If CFOs have learned anything in the past year, it’s that they must be agile and innovative leaders skilled at predicting...

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AP News: Scott Rostan in GameStop’s Stupefying Stock Rise Doesn’t Hide Its Reality

https://apnews.com/article/gamestop-reddit-stocks-update-92a98aa87d88753a1aa52a72b49321c6 February 3, 2021 By ANNE D'INNOCENZIO Follow Anne D’Innocenzio: http://twitter.com/ADInnocenzio NEW YORK (AP) — Behind GameStop’s stock surge is the grim reality of its prospects: The video game retailer is floundering even as the industry around it is booming. GameStop has been swept up in a battle between big-moneyed hedge funds betting against it and...

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Bloomberg Tax: Robert Rostan in GameStop Takes Everyone on a Wild Ride, Except Its Accountants

https://news.bloombergtax.com/financial-accounting/gamestop-takes-everyone-on-a-wild-ride-except-its-accountants It’s taken over social media, gotten airtime at a White House press conference, and pitted hedge funds against an army of online traders out to bruise them. But there’s one place the saga of GameStop Corp.’s stock price roller coaster ride won’t play out: on GameStop’s financial statements. The fundamentals of...

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AP News: Scott Rostan in Airbnb hikes share price ahead of expected IPO this week

https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-initial-public-offerings-287f5495df1e3775030c6b866ed9f552 by DEE-ANN DURBIN Airbnb has raised the price of its shares ahead of its initial public offering this week, betting investors will pay more given its resiliency during the pandemic. In a government filing Monday, Airbnb said it expects to price its shares between $56 and $60 each, up from a range...

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