What Happened To Silicon Valley Bank?

Failure of Regulations or Regulator? By Matthew Parker  Many words have already been written about the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (“SVB”): the causes, the implications, whether there should be a Government bailout, should Glass Steagall be reintroduced - even should the FDIC deposit insurance be increased from $250k to $20m! To add...

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Adjusting Enterprise Value for Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Venereal Disease

Charlie Munger, Buffett’s long-time partner, and chairman of Daily Journal Corporation (DJCO) was answering shareholder questions today when the subject of crypto came up. On being asked whether he was wrong about buying crypto, Charlie said, “I’m proud that I never invested in Crypto. It’s like venereal disease”. That’s nice Charlie. That’s...

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Neiman Marcus

Neiman Marcus’ Last Call

  Neiman Marcus and J. Crew are the latest to join a list of growing retailers filing for bankruptcy and they both have something in common – enormous debt burdens from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms. As the government rolls out trillions of dollars in stimulus funds, a push by...

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